I’m really, my nerves, tired, I really can’t believe what’s happening, or I don’t want to believe it Enough, really enough, not a single word, I don’t want to imagine what she is been through, no no enough it becomes hard day after day. Again a poor dog about 4 years old, was abandoned in terrible condition.

She’s lying alone on the street, almost no power for even walking. She’s safe with us now. We call her LINA. Only skins and bones, severe matted fur, covered full of parasite. What she was going through is nightmare! After a good bath, Lina only skin and bone. Full of ticks and fleas was removed.

Tommorrow she will go to the Vet for checking and treatment. We can not wait for a day when little Lina gain weight and transform to a beutiful and happy girl.

When Lina live in a happy family with full care and love. Lina deserve a happy life forever after many pain she suffered.