Canine Born With No Neck And Rear End On Back Shows The World He Can Overcome Anything

Cooper, a two-year-old American foxhound, is not like any other dog in the world. He was born without a neck, and several of his vertebrae were compressed and fused together while he was still in his mother’s womb. Despite his rare condition, Cooper is defying the odds and living his life to the fullest.

Animal control officers in Halifax, Virginia rescued Cooper in 2017 from a puppy mill, where he was found abandoned. He was only two months old at the time and was taken to Secondhand Hounds, a Minnetonka-based rescue organization. They immediately noticed his unique condition and knew they had their work cut out for them.

Cooper was treated for ear mites, worms, and a hernia, but he also needed surgery so he could defecate properly. Additionally, the first home Cooper was placed in did not work out, as he couldn’t resist chasing the family’s cats. Luckily, Elly and Andy Keegan, who already had three dogs, including two with special needs, proved to be the perfect fit for Cooper.

While Cooper struggles with walking for extended periods of time and finding a suitable place to defecate due to his bottom end located a distance up his back, his spine has been kept free of infection with a regular course of antibiotics. Cooper is a small celebrity on social media, and his unique condition is inspiring many others.

Cooper’s condition might have been caused by inbreeding, and when he was deemed unfit for sale, he was abandoned. However, Cooper’s rare condition is not holding him back, and he continues to enjoy his freedom and give his new family all the love he has. Despite his challenges, Cooper remains one of the happiest dogs and an inspiration to all who have heard his story.
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